
由於本處轄下位於沙田新翠邨新傑樓的「路德會新翠少年中心」有一名外聘導師於今天(11月24日)確診感染2019冠狀病毒病,由於本單位設於路德會新翠少年中心內,故此本單位由即日起關閉以進行清潔消毒至12月6日(星期日)。單位關閉期間所有活動及電話熱線服務將會暫停。如服務使用者有查詢,請電郵至Y03@hklss.hk  或 F01@hklss.hk 。本處正與衛生防護中心緊密聯繫中,有任何進一步資訊將會盡快通知。不便之處,敬請原諒。


HKLSS’ Sun Chui Lutheran Children Centre, located at Sun Kit House of Sun Chui Estate in Sha Tin, is closing today to perform clean and disinfect measures due to one contract instructor was tested positive to COVID-19 today (Dec 6). We are temporarily suspending all of the centre’s activities and the enquiry hotline service until Nov 29 (Sun). Should you have any enquiries, please email to y03@hklss.hk or f01@hklss.hk instead.

We are currently in close contact with the Centre for Health Protection, and will inform the public as soon as possible if there’s any update. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.